Speedy, accurate construction project delivery is important to Sustainability. Why is that?
Buildings in the United States:
Consume 39% of all Energy
Generate 38% of all CO2 Emissions
Account for 72% of all Electricity Consumption
Use 14% of Potable Water
Responsible for 40% of Raw Materials use
Source 20% of all Waste Output
Also, did you know that a significant portion of Stimulus/ARRA funding is target toward infrastructure and Sustainability.
Your JOC/SABER program plays a very important role by enabling the rapid development and deployment of multiple Stimulus/ARRA and Sustainability Projects. Estimating, bidding, and managing multiple projects is a task for which e4Clicks Project Estimator was specifically designed, due to our integration of RSMeans, eTakeoff, document management, and project management.
Also, don’t forget the RSMeans green items!